Monday 19 November 2012

ITAP : Week 8

Production of Visual Communications

From Novice to Expert

The Novice to Expert scale is used to determine what stage you are at, within your working field. Everyone can use this scale, as it is not based on a certain skill.

The field that I am working in is graphics, and would like to work as Graphic designer, mostly the fields of Advertising or film. After looking at the scale and comparing myself to it, I would class myself as Proficient in my working area. The reason I classed myself as Proficient is because I believe that I match the areas, which are stated, even though some areas might tick a few areas of competent.

In the future I hope that I am able to reach the status of expert within my chosen field. To make sure I obtain the expert status, I hope to gain knowledge through my years at university and putting things to practice so that I can keep improving, another way is by reading more and visiting events related to my chosen field. If I follow this plan I should be able to class myself as an expert after I leave university in 3 years time.

And to check whether or not I have achieved my aim, I will compare myself again to the Novice to Expert scale in 3 years time and see what stage I am at and if I can progress even further.

Examples of work within project working on :

Design Workflow

From looking at company workflows and plans , i created a workflow of my own that is related to my L4 project that i am working on . Below is the work flow i created. 

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