Monday, 8 October 2012

Week 2 : Work space & Overcoming mind sets

ITAP Week 2

Principle 5  (Work space)

The workspace’s / environment’s that I have looked into was of Pixar studios in which animators and illustrators tend to work in. From looking at images of their workspace, you can see that they have many items around the surroundings that could inspire them and help them be imaginative such as: Action figures, photos and even the colour of the walls.  From looking at images of Pixar’s workspaces, I admire and like how they like to work in a creative environment, as it can be easier to work in when producing creative work. I believe you have to have work in a creative atmosphere to produce creative work, and it looks like the artists from Pixar studios have the same belief.

However, even though I take inspiration from working environments such as Pixar, my workspace is a bit different. Straight away when looking at my workspace you can see that the colour of my walls is not of a bright colour, this is because I like to feel relaxed when I work and I believe the colour of my walls help’s me achieve that. You can also see I have taken inspiration from studios such as Pixar, as I have items such as: Action figures around me that help me be a bit more imaginative. Instead of having photos on my wall, I like to listen to music when I work, however it has to be the right type of music, music that has a meaning behind it. This all helps in making me a creative person. 

Principle 1 (overcoming mind sets)

To overcome mind-sets within my work I need to think of trying different way of working and stepping out of my comfort zone. This can be done using techniques I have never tried before such as:  Silk-screen Printing and typography. I also don’t want my work to look to complex, as plain and simple can look good also.

The main achievement for me is to try and make my work look interesting and this can be done by getting inspiration from artists like Christoph Niemann as I like the way his work is so simple but also clever, and generally uses common objects within his work.

Another artist I admire which I find similar to Niemann is Paul Villinski, even though his work might be on a different subject matter, the way he has used a simple idea of using butterflies to create pieces of work is similar to Niemann’s and both artists inspire me to try and work in different ways and to be clever about my work and how its presented.

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